Monday, February 20, 2006
Biggest loser wins for Ten
Ten network ran interference last night with the first elimination episode of The Biggest Loser which was watched by an average 1.314 million people nationally.

That's second only to the premiere a week earlier of 1.40 million for the hour from 7 pm to 8 pm.

Last night it again crimped Temptation, which is struggling to climb past the million mark : it averaged 921,000 last night, a long way from Biggest Loser, which in turn ran second in the first half hour to Home and Away with 1.40 million.

But the Biggest Loser beat Home and Away in Melbourne and Adelaide and it went on to dominate the 7.30 pm to 8 pm, relegating Seven's Great Outdoors to a distant second.
posted by Susanna Duffy @ 5:53 PM  
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