Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Nutritionist Knocks Show

After viewing the first episode Jenny O'Dea, nutritionist and researcher at the University of Sydney's faculty of education and social work, said the show set contestants up to fail and in the process intentionally humiliated them.

"The entertainment value is based on deliberately humiliating and degrading people, on blaming and shaming them," she said. "I don't see that as a decent sort of entertainment. It's certainly not ethical."

Dr O'Dea cited several scenarios in the first episode in which the contestants are humiliated.

One scene depicts them in a "last supper" situation where they are given huge plates of their favourite foods and the cameras catch them shovelling in mouthful after mouthful.

"People are being set up to be humiliated for the sake of getting a rise out of viewers, which is just pathetic."
posted by Susanna Duffy @ 3:03 AM  
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