Monday, February 13, 2006
The Biggest Loser is the most valuable
Australia's heavyweights have 12 nervous new heroes, contestants who will spend eight weeks engaged in a do-or-die battle of the bulge to become ''the biggest loser''. To claim the title and a prize of $200,000, the winning man or woman will not only have to outslim the others and endure a punishing routine of exercise and diet but combat loneliness, shame and haunting memories of social exclusion and humiliation.

The inherent contradiction, of course, is that on The Biggest Loser, being fat is actually a bonus. As the show pits two rival teams against one another in the weightloss stakes, those with the most to lose are the ones who count the most. The supremely obese are more valuable than their chubby teammates, less likely to be voted off and so more valuable.

Paradox aside, Australia's own Biggest Loser, like its American precursor, provides a surprisingly moving insight into the huge serving of misery that is the daily diet for people struggling to lose vast amounts of weight and to attain a healthy measure of self-acceptance.
posted by Susanna Duffy @ 12:19 AM  
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